David A. Armor | San Diego State University, USA |
Fiona Kate Barlow | The University of Queensland, Australia |
Monica Biernat | University of Kansas, USA |
Kevin L. Blankenship | Iowa State University, USA |
Wiebke Bleidorn | Tilburg University |
Helen C. Boucher | Bates College, USA |
Nyla R. Branscombe | |
Pablo Briñol | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain |
Brad J. Bushman | The Ohio State University, School of Communication and Department of Psychology |
W. Keith Campbell | University of Georgia, USA |
John R. Chambers | St. Louis University, USA |
Sylvia X. Chen | Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong |
Sapna Cheryan | University of Washington, USA |
Margaret S. Clark | Yale University, USA |
Taya R. Cohen | Carnegie Mellon University, USA |
Brian S. Connelly | University of Toronto, Canada |
C. Nathan DeWall | University of Kentucky, USA |
Ap Dijksterhuis | Radboud University, The Netherlands |
M. Brent Donnellan | Texas A&M University |
John F. Dovidio | Yale University |
David Dunning | Cornell University |
Paul W. Eastwick | University of Texas at Austin, USA |
Nathanael J. Fast | University of Southern California, USA |
Russell H. Fazio | Ohio State University, USA |
Melissa Ferguson | |
Frank D. Fincham | Florida State University, USA |
Ayelet Fishbach | University of Chicago, USA |
Ronald S. Friedman | University at Albany, USA |
David C. Funder | University of California, Riverside, USA |
Bertram Gawronski | |
Peter Glick | Lawrence University, USA |
Mario Gollwitzer | Philipps University Marburg, Germany |
Peter M. Gollwitzer | New York University, USA |
Kurt Gray | University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA |
Katharine H. Greenaway | |
Geoff Haddock | Cardiff University |
Takeshi Hamamura | Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong |
Judith Harackiewicz | University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA |
Nick Haslam | University of Melbourne, Department of Psychological Sciences |
Steven J. Heine | University of British Columbia, Canada |
Sara D. Hodges | University of Oregon, USA |
Emily A. Impett | |
Michael Inzlicht | |
Joshua J. Jackson | Washington University in St. Louis, USA |
Charles M. Judd | University of Colorado, Boulder, USA |
Benjamin R. Karney | University of California, Los Angeles, USA |
Barbara Krahé | University of Potsdam, Germany |
Edward P. Lemay | University of New Hampshire, USA |
Richard E. Lucas | Michigan State University, USA |
Tara K. MacDonald | Queen's University, Canada |
Diane M. Mackie | University of California Santa Barbara, USA |
C. Neil Macrae | University of Aberdeen, Scotland |
Gregory R. Maio | Cardiff University, Wales |
Brenda... |
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