Social Psychology

Social Psychology, 3rd Edition

Social Psychology, 3rd Edition

July 25, 2024
Social Psychology, 3rd Edition provides the only conceptually integrated undergraduate introduction to social psychology, offering…

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Social Psychology paper topics

Social Psychology paper topics

June 25, 2024
Class Time : Tuesday & Friday, 10 am to 11:50 am Class Room : Eaton 214 Instructor : Chris VerWys Phone : 276-8513 Course Description…

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Social Psychology Jobs

Social Psychology Jobs

November 14, 2023
Application instructions specific to each job posting can be found at the end of the announcement. Some positions require you to apply…

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Social Norm Psychological

Social Norm Psychological

September 23, 2023
There are many ways that people can influence our behavior, but perhaps one of the most important is that the presence of others seems…

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European Journal of Social Psychology

European Journal of Social Psychology

September 5, 2023
The European Journal of Social Psychology is a truly international forum for high quality, peer reviewed, original research in all…

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Advances in Experimental Social Psychology

Advances in Experimental Social Psychology

July 31, 2023
One of the most sought after and most often cited series in this field Contains contributions of major empirical and theoretical interest…

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Social Psychology persuasion

Social Psychology persuasion

July 5, 2023
Unless you’re living in a cave, people are trying to influence you all the time. Sometimes they’re doing it in an annoying or underhanded…

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Social Psychology Myers PDF

Social Psychology Myers PDF

January 16, 2023
These articles and chapters all explore how small group interaction influences attitudes and behavior. David Myers dedicated the first…

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Social comparison Psychology

Social comparison Psychology

January 5, 2023
Social comparison theory was first proposed in 1954 by psychologist Leon Festinger and suggested that people have an innate drive to…

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Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

December 28, 2022
David A. Armor San Diego State University, USA Fiona Kate Barlow The University of Queensland, Australia Monica Biernat University…

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