Find out how smart you are, what you like to do, and what makes you happy with our free IQ tests, career tests, and personality tests. All tests at 123test.com are designed to help you find serious answers to your questions about IQ, personality, or career assessment.
Tests are free, valid, and accurate. Although these tests are always fun to take, they are much more than just for fun. We focus on giving you scientifically valid results and reliable psychometrics that measure your personal preferences, mental traits, abilities, and processes.
DISC personality test
Our free DISC personality test, based on the DISC types, determines your personality profile in just five minutes. Find out how the DISC factors, Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance predict your behavior towards others and the everyday things you do.
This DISC inventory is also used by many career counselors and small businesses to empower employees. It is an essential tool for exploring how you as a person fit or conflict in a team, with others and with specific work characteristics.
Free IQ test
This IQ test has all components that are standard in most IQ tests. It includes questions related to spatial intelligence, logical reasoning, verbal intelligence and math.
IQ test training
Do you like taking IQ tests and quizzes? Want to do proper job test prep for an assessment? We got just what you want. We got loads of free IQ tests lined up in an online IQ test training. You get fast short tests that explain what are the correct answers and show you how many questions you answered correctly.
Career test
What career best fits your personality? This free career test will give you insight into your career personality. Based on a characterization of your personality in terms of Holland Code personality types, you will learn what kind of work environments suit you best.
Personality test
Take our free personality test and find out more about who you are and your strengths. This is valuable information for choosing a career and how to develop yourself for personal growth. Five key personality dimensions are explored in depth in a complete textual and graphical report.
In the result you will find your core personality type(s) and how that interacts with your life, career and personal succes. Learn what to pursue, what to avoid and how your behavior differs from that of others.